The Real Test for Arnold 2.0

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Arnold is basking in the glow
of reviews of his bi-partisan rebirth, but the real test for
Schwarzenegger is coming soon. Is Arnold 2.0 still being programmed by
the cash-rich special interests financing his campaign?

Oil companies have contributed $2.3 million to Arnold, more money than
they have given to any other politician in the nation but the
President. Yesterday the California Assembly Speaker and Attorney
General announced legislation to rewrite gasoline price gouging laws for easier prosecutions.
But on the campaign bus, Arnold said, "I cannot personally do anything
about the gas prices." What will Arnold do with the Nuñez bill? Will
the report of his California Energy Commission on high gas prices, due
out next week, be another whitewash for the industry? Stay tuned.

The gov has also collected $216,400 from drug companies since April, including $49,600 on Monday, bringing his total take from the industry since taking office to over $1 million.
What will Arnold 2.0 do with a pair of modest bills opposed by the drug
industry, AB 2911 (Nuñez) and SB 1702 (Perata), which would establish a
drug discount program for lower income Californians?

Then the insurers, who’ve already given Arnold $2.4 million, keep
pouring in the cash. Last year Arnold vetoed bills opposed by insurers
on the exact same day that they donated more than a $100K. This year
will the Gov help insureds or insurers?

The real test of Arnold’s upgrade is not whether he’s cozying up to Democrats, but whether he’s pandering to donors.

Consumer Watchdog
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